Sunday, February 28, 2010

I think, I do.....I think

By outre' grace I have managed, at least up to now, to keep my fascination with the point where every bit of energy in the universe exists, balanced with the activities of every day living.
Having enjoyed an American meal of ________ descent by putting one's metaphysics where one's mouth is – the question presents itself: How does the average person put their metaphysics where their reality is?
Personally, I draw on my classic education when the question constantly arises. Father Kent, at Weber high school, actually provided a formula for living the well balanced life.
Father Peters, a professor at St Procopius college, told of the commonality we all share in this regard. He referred to the example of Albert Einstein and Charles Richter. So involved in discussing the theory of earthquakes, while walking through the Cal tech campus, the pair were oblivious to an earthquake occurring underfoot.
So for one renewable energy resource, in our three dimensional universe, I go with conviction for the locale where aplomb, adventure, and absurdity intersect.
Of course, there are shadowy events in life that contribute to the harmony of health and the life well mirthed.
D r I f t
time: unknown

My mind's memory was an efficient librarian fetching stored prints depicting
Chiaroscuro in the frescoes of the Italian High Renaissance.

The repeating word “Correggio”, “Correggio”… hauntingly filled the air......…………….

Books, books............... all around...........I was sitting in the sun on 23rd street in Portland, Oregon.................

or maybe it was Erat Kilo in Addis Ababa – book vendors, people, milling about.

I went to check out a place that specialized in the works of St Hyacinth and the Vatican. Just before I was leaving with my find, an official had me sign a statement ( that they would copy and email to me) certifying that I had a very old book – one with no available rated value because it was so old. I took it and left. As I was descending the store's huge marble steps, I saw a child of five or six that looked very much like the student nurse, Samantha, I was with that afternoon. My companion was out of sight. The youngster was alone, and partially covered with spaghetti. I came over to her to see if everything was okay, but in doing so left the old book behind by a tree. Gathering up some napkins on my way, I saw the little one's parents approaching – they seemed somehow familiar. My friend returned. The child's parents were grateful for my concern, thanked us both and departed.........but in their departure, and the arrival of my companion, there was a blur of energy – something like heat.
I went to find the old bk, and it was gone..........the tree replaced by little stalls of wares rich with the aroma of kabobs cooking over open fires. I wasn't sure which was more intriguing - the sudden appearance of the kiosks or the specter of those parents I had just left as a couple meeting, marrying, and birthing that very child some years into the future. My thoughts on this curious series of events were teased away from logic by the scents of the market and the sound of people echoing each other with a hypnotic chorus of “he must have lost a book.”
So....... be continued...................

Join Captain Flip Side in his true life adventures every Sunday!

Happy daze,

The Captain

Sunday, February 21, 2010're what?

From that childhood quest to get positioned, for going one step beyond the known universe with God, the core of my life has been continuously ignited by the point.
The point, per se, intriguingly obscure to me still today, does ease into a conscious sweet reality, however, as............. stew of the Great Melting Pot.
For traversing the everyday life, my parents constantly tended a path of beautiful harmony. One of my earliest comprehensions was what I was.
To ensure the spirit had all the necessary provisions for my journey, at the age of five, outside the walls of my home and into the remote areas across Diversey Avenue, they drilled me on primary questioning: “What are you?”
They created an integration of their love of the Polish culture, with the love of the American Spirit, while  being non-judgmental of all other peoples. The axiom upon which this passionate and compassionate outlook was based is being American of Polish descent. This was an absolutely crucial element in their identity.
In having the good fortune to be in a country that had brilliantly established a doctrine of "separation of church and state" my parents were free to be "American" without restraint, and still be totally devoted to their faith. Whatever came to bear, their national identity and religion were exclusive.
I cannot tell you the number of times my Father and Mother preached to me how exactly to identify myself in this regard.
For me to say I was: "Polish" - "Polish American" – or - "American" - simply was wrong and unacceptable; it was American of Polish descent and nothing else was accurate. America was the country they were citizens of, and they were extremely proud of that, often expressing it with unabashed emotions. As fully engaged Americans they were determined to have their children live out the American Dream to its fullest. The entirely undiminished honor present in their Polish heritage mandated the recognition of one fundamental underlying truth: the vitality of their contributions to America as a nation was inherent in them being of "Polish descent". As grammar school kid, I gleefully saw this as "having my cake and eating it". Only as I grew older did I realize the absolute beauty of execution in a harmonious blend of totalities sovereign in psyche and emotion. There were some everyday practical applications as well, for example, with more than my share of pimples, ill-timed erections, and hormone storm craziness to deal with, I was free, thank you Dad and Mom, from adolescent ethnic embroilment.

And thanks for the continuing joy in the American cuisine, of infinite ethnic descents.
Just recently in my childhood neighborhood, I relished, with old friends, a sumptuous home made tamale one day ~ and savory home made kielbasa the next.

We had great fun partaking in this duo of American meals – one of Hispanic descent and one of Polish descent ~~ Hence the self-talk: “.............. put your mouth where your metaphysics is”.

Join Captain Flip Side in his True life adventures
Every Sunday
Happy Daze,
The Captain

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Reading for February 14, 2010

What prevailed on that zany Sunday in the early 19560s was guilt.
Guilt, then, fused with conscience.
The Holy Family Nuns and the Resurrectionist Fathers introduced this duo to the Fear of God, and complete my psycho-spiritual trinity. This trinity would be forged by, and with, two other operatives to become my cinque.

One of these operatives was passion.
As long as I can remember, people, things, ideas......... had wonderful energy that enthused me. I am most thankful to my parents, for not only validating my zest, but having nurtured my sense of self as one that could employ this vivacity as an important tool of life.
My Father and Mother were lovingly dedicated parents. They made an extraordinary effort to build my self-esteem by paving a road of positiveness.

There were miracles, but no magic.

I had the ability to do anything ~ but not something anyone else couldn't do.

Miracles, impossibilities possible, and hopes fulfilled were part of the Karwowski way of life. Occasionally, enlightened encouragement would come in remarks. as my dad or mom would effortlessly point out examples of successes, if they sensed the slightest self-doubt in me. “If your stupid cousin __________, could do it, you certainly can” - or “so and so just made up their mind to do it and did it”
Ardor and passion were simply part of my family. They were critical ingredients in the crucible of alchemy that yielded the fuel necessary to turn dreams into reality.
Sometimes there was a dramatic scene or an unfolding adventure that highlighted things getting done by determination as in the family history. Mom's rise from depths of poverty and dad's becoming the first family professional, were just two of a family constellation which included Grandfather Paul's journey through Ellis Island with $25.00 and the clothes on his back.

With my brothers, there was the uphill climb, over high school teachers declarations of ridiculous fantasy for a kid from your patch of the city, of Bob to graduate as a mining engineer.
There's brightness in the future, as Jerry continues to generate new dreams as the old ones, like carrying the Olympic torch, come true; and ingenuity from Eagle Scout Thad who paddled a disabled boat safely to harbor with only a hockey stick.
Through my entire basic training, I was given a rock solid foundation from parents who deeply loved.
To ensure the spirit had all the necessary provisions for my journey outside the walls of my home and into the remote areas across Diversey Avenue, they drilled me on the answer to primary questioning: “What are you?” be continued.................................

Join Captain Flip Side in his True life adventures
Every Sunday
Happy Daze,
The Captain

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Big Game

Reading for February 7, 2010

Every human being is in. This is it. 

Stakes are high as the teams line up against each other. Drills in the essentials continue over and over – as every player knows that there can never be too much attention given to whats really important. For when the going gets tough, its going to come down to the basics. The fundamentals of old plays and all available knowledge will have to be weighed, in an instant, with what needs to be done at the moment the opposition is brutally bearing down. There may some bad calls from the referees, and sheer luck as from a Hail Mary play; but success will come from a 100% team effort. Only then, with our entire line up, casting off bad habits, respecting each others abilities, pulling together, and athletically combining the sacred of the known and unknown, will that dazzling victory be seized.

The clock is running. 

We have the ball ...................... its the earth.

Join Captain Flip Side in his true life adventures every Sunday!
Happy daze,
The Captain