Monday, April 26, 2010

...oooh, Too Late

Reading for May 2, 2010

For the artist, scientist, nurse, teacher, artisan, child, parent, and philosopher in us , there are just times when musing: infinities, dreams, levels of consciousness, callings and the essence of our very souls - just has to get in line and wait – like everybody else's entrancement – while overriding priorities survival.

Eyeball to Eyeball.   

We were locked into  each other........................ It was freak at first sight. 
As a child and through high school and university, every single picture of a cobra showed its head shaped like a cupped hand.  Adding to that, the Dell Golden Guide Book about Poisonous Whatstheirspecies, that I had just studied, showed cobras with a cupped-hand shaped head, most probably.  

No prior  experience (or knowledge) an instant:  hundreds of students disappeared, inter-species communication reached a new high................and I dropped the snake back into
the drum, wedged the cover back in place, and was on my way, bounding to find the students - any student, to continue my lecture on snakes.   I wanted to tell them what I had picked up on......that,  I had simply confused a harmless, non-poisonous snake with one of the world's most deadly. was too late.

My students had run through the campus and into town telling everyone that Mr. Hank looked a Black Cobra in the eye.

The tale took, and remained.  One day, several years after I had completed my service, I received a fabulous jolt of nostalgia with a letter traced from Ghana to Canada, to England, to The United States, to a friend of a friend of a friend.  During a cab ride in Accra, Ghana's capital city, the driver discovered that the passenger was an American. Immediately, the taxi-driver whipped out one of the many copies of the passport pictures we Peace Corps teachers had given our students.  It was my photo, and along with it was the excited know Snakeman?
Hal Vick, one of the people I worked with in Portland Oregon ~ almost a decade later ~ was urged by another colleague to ask me about the Cobra story. His query was amusing. In the old Wilcox Women's Hospital - breaking a few minutes from his studying for Board Certification as an OB/GYN - I heard: "Henry, how do you look a Black Cobra in the eye,  accidentally?"

to be continued...............

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Then......Our Eyes Met...........

Reading for April 25, 2010

...............festive singing of my family name: Karwowski........the wow was melodiously lifted to song for several seconds.   As it hung in the air, my students charged it pure joy. It was this gleeful electricity into which I entered.................completely unaware how close I was to what had killed many before me.

I led the way with élan , yet followed ^~~^ captured......... and.... enclouded ~~^~^ ......  

Two worlds had reached collision speed and were about to vie for a spot in the universe that would allow but one - the contest was seconds away, as I stood in front of the fifty gallon oil drum.  The great black metal cylinder then became crowned, with a semi-circle of  the entire student body.

Upon the top of the drum was a single sheet of loose-leaf paper.

The opening move in prime forested  combat-drama had been made.   Socio-cultural mind sets jostled for position on the multi-dimensional stage as potent neuro toxins seethed, conditioned behavior urged pause, insouciant naivete' blasted forward, and the ridiculous ridiculorum called for a quorum.

The four words on the loose leaf paper read:..................

............... SNAKE FOR MR HANK

The clash was of epic proportions.

The students'  life-or-death training for instantaneous response, at bay while the drum's cover was securely wedged shut, vaporized with my my casual pull-toss of the protective top.  Incalculable ignorance stoking flaming illusions of invincibility, I jack-knifed the upper half of my body right into the drum.    With the weight of my brain helping propel my skull towards the serpent, I said in a loud voice: "....oh. its a back-fanged tree snake....".   I thus continued the discourse as knowledge welled up from  my recent studies at the Guide..............."it is non-poisonous, and uses a sawing  motion with its head to cut through its prey....".  My discourse finished, I lifted myself and the reptile out of the barrel to witness what remained after the big one had been dropped.  .................everything annihilation.
I was shocked to see nothing.... not one student was in sight.........yet, that nothing was less than nothing compared to what happened next.

Our eyes met.  

We were locked into  each other.  It was freak at first sight.  Well shit, every image I ever saw, without exception, had the cobra pictured with it hood extended.  Nonetheless, the creature with whom I was locked in gaze with, popped a hood from the side of it neck.  So whether it was a King Cobra, Black Cobra, or Egyptian Cobra ~~~^^~~~ didn't matter *#%#$!*^ ..... the fact was:  it was not a harmless back fanged tree snake, but a friggin' Cobra...................and............

to be continued...............

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday in his true life adventures

Happy Daze,

Captain Flip Side

with a special smile for Bug girl ~~ Steph

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Tool Sacred Perhaps?

April  19, 2010 ~^~ Special Edition in honor of, and thanks to ..................

the first oubliette of a lover -

the last chance for a gambler -

the recourse of poverty -

change in an ordered path -

a crime in a totalitarian state -

a sin in soulless religions -


Friday, April 16, 2010

How Close - Beauty and Danger?

Reading for April 18, 2010

Zig-zagging my way up the escarpment, the Accra Plains and the Gulf of Guinea gave up their grasslands and  salt sea air to dense prime forest.  As pitched sharp curves demanded my attention, the altitude and temperature changes stimulated another attempt to link my sub-brain with  my higher faculties.  I was soon passing the mango tree.  As I gunned the engine of the motorcycle to make the climb I realized the tree fork I had rested in, had been nothing less than a crown-seat. 
There had to be only one explanation.
A very large bird was nested below those limbs which held the perfect yellow mangoes.  I will never know if there were eggs, or hatch-lings in that aviary loft; but. I do know, that as that winged creature took to flight, it made a sound.
As neither of us were aware of the other........... intimately ~ ~  we communed in the aerial sanctuary silent
Our physical closeness allowed a sync to my lower brain when issuance of its primordial sound became present in my highest level of lowest consciousness.
What I did not realize, was that as I raced to get back to school before the students broke formal classes for the day, I was racing to mortal danger.

One who would dwell in Aburi, would also dwell within me.

I intended to drive to my house, park the bike, and walk the quarter-kilometre to the school compound.  That short walk was never ordinary. Even when alone on that path, I would exclaim wonder and joy with being rained upon beneath a cloudless sky under the water-dripping tree; or being transported by scent of newly oped flower, the likes of which I had never before known. Yet, this was not to be, for a flurry of waving hands atop jumping students drew the engined-horse to its beckon.
 Twi, and Ewe, the two most common first languages of the students I taught, were both tonal languages.  With their pure enthusiasm of youth, they fired up a chorus which never failed to make my heart dance.  It also healed it.  My dear father had passed away just a few months earlier; and, in this culture of ever present reverence for ancestors, no more nurturing a balm could be had, than to hear festive singing of my family name: Karwowski. The wow was melodiously lifted to song for several seconds, hanging it in air, and charging it with pure joy. It was this gleeful electricity into which I entered.................completely unaware how close I was to what had killed many before be continued.....

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday  in his true life adventures

Happy Daze,

Captain Flip Side

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tax Day Eve

Special edition for  Tax Day Eve, April 14, 2010
with end notations

People who read The Sunday Offlection, also enjoy the following, which may or may not exist. 

"YOU won"  ~ now what?"   A practical guide if you wake up one morning as the president of a country.  Chapters include step-by-step instructions for things like: how to dress in private as well as at state functions; phrases to use with military commanders; and the current edition includes a DVD which takes a look at some of the more important laws of the country you now run, as well as a reference to various interpretations of actions taken in response to  treaties signed.  If you haven't started World War III, after six months in office, you become eligible to enter a lottery wherein the winner gets a code-key to access the junior grade level for national secret intelligence, and a 30 minute shopping spree at a Wal-Mart of choice.

"Getting the most from your tax dollar"  When the United States Department of Defense, Internal Revenue, White House, or Under-Secretary of Fun, visits your website/publishes your book, you and your family, friends, and the entire earthling population become entitled to vacations and party event/get-togethers.  These are just more of the "plums" of the tree of knowledge in the Rose Garden of Paradise blooming in Washington D.C.  Revised referencing and cross-referencing makes it easier to  find pastoral, bucolic, and scenic locations you can pick from for your festivities.  The current edition includes a kit to diagram and trace what you spend through your government that nurtures the planet's health and well being - all inclusive

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday for his true life adventures,


This special edition is written in dual honor: First, to my Godfather, Ed Cisinski - and, secondly, to a system that is of the people, by the people, and for the people....which promotes the General Welfare, and wherein all are equal and entitled to life liberty and pursuit of happiness ...................

This special edition has been inspired by the concept of taxation, and the visit of the Department of Defense -  - to my website.

Happiest of daze,
the C a  pT  a     i   n


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who Leaked What?

Reading for April 11 2010

I approached the last patch of ground at sea level with a broad grin, to get fresh fruit. From this little stand, I would drive high up the escarpment, and back to school. The artistically piled produce was beautiful, contrasting deep colors with the sky. I downed one orange, and put another in my pack. With my mind soaked in herpetology knowledge, I cranked the motorcycle to life. Throwing a parting glance at the ocean, I mused:!  How lucky can a person get! In just under an hour, I filled my head with so much information about snakes, they were coming out of my ears! …. my skull was leaking...............and that wasn't the only thing that was leaking.
As I gave the bike full throttle, I saw the sky leaking – hit the brakes and snapped a picture.
View #5 is that very picture ~ Un-Retouched ~ and will be in one of the next Sunday Offlections....
to be continued................. 

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday in his true life adventures...........
happy daze,

the Captain

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Primal netcom

FOR APRIL 4, 2010 longer would I delay. I had delighted in fancies of the land of milk and honey and had my fill for now. Being an Earthling of American of Polish descent, my first language was English, so to expedite my education on the animals who would be showing up at my zoo, I headed for the library in the United States Information Service building.

But first, I had to snag a Sovexportfilm flier.

VIEW # 4

Having returned to the tracks I had derailed myself from, I shot right to the mother lode.

I could not believe my luck. I had in my very hands ~ the source of all knowledge in the world that had anything to do with the animal I expected. You see, the other teachers at school, upon learning that I had approved a zoo as my class's choice for the year's science project, were kind enough to point out one stunning statistic.  Our school was located in the middle of Sub-Saharan Africa's greatest concentration of snakes.  The Dell Golden Guide Book in my very hands was all about snakes.
Well, a  lot of the book was about snakes.......and venomous reptiles and such.
Anyway, I flipped through the picture filled book, managed to read a good deal of the words and phrases ~ as well as several complete sentences {not diagnosed with ADD until some 4 decades later} and amply stuffed my mind with herpetology acumen. be continued.....

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday in his true life adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

.......... written with a special heartbeat to Caroline