Today's questions
1. Is the title a command in the imperative mode or an adjectival phrase?
2. Is the text fiction, non-fiction, or other?
3. Where is the Captain?
Health Of Humor's Reality
Amidst ontological “thises and thats” ~~~~ synchronized force fields, parabolic pulses, energy envelopes with floating stochastic processes, linearity and the likes of which may be..........................the printable version free for use without restriction or copy-right – including a blank!
In accordance with the mandates, covenants, codicils, and laws which govern such things this, public notice is wrought.
_______________________________ is from this moment
(Name ~ print, signature, or....)
unavailable for any unpleasantness from human,
or other, for any reason.(Name ~ print, signature, or....)
unavailable for any unpleasantness from human,
Unpleasantness is infinitely unbounded and solely defined/determined by the life form identified herein.
This includes, but is not limited to, vendetta, revenge, retaliation, score settling, comeuppance, blood/death feud, winter cold, virus, and projectile vomit causing invading organisms.
Reason is infinite and unbounded. This includes, but is not limited to justification, cause, grounds, why, motive, mission/command from God, and excuse. Specifics may include but are not limited to, hobby collections and/or other important items of siblings/friends that may have been destroyed, small things that may have been set ablaze, mothers/fathers that may have been, like totally disrespected, blasphemies that may have been uttered, minor vaporizations of grammar school desks, or all that other stuff many decades ago, recently, or in the future.
The totality of Statutes of Limitation, Religious Duties, Personal Whims, and Mass Insanities are passed date, absolved, abated and cured now, and in the time yet to exist in perpetuity.
As One of Life's Givens, agreed upon by all, and directed by The United Nations, Disjointed Peoples, Related/Unrelated Folks, and everyone/everything else, this will remain in force indefinitely.
And a printable Wallet Size version (if you don't want to do the resizing yourself) that is also unavailable because I couldn't figure out how to get it on this bob.
And a ______________ if you want to _______________.
Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~** in his true life Adventures
Happy Daze,
the Captain
Happy Daze,
the Captain