Wednesday, February 18, 2015


as words go.............
.......sometimes, its : I love you
.....sometimes its: I am loving you anyway
....sometimes its: I love you whoever I can

..Always, its: thank you for being you

Peace By Truth

I know my love for you is true..........
I know this in the peace of my soul that so within dwells with by of the grace happiness you have however that may be in wherever you abide..........if doubt ever comes to your house remind yourself ......that reluctance remanded be 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Intimate Unknown

until it hurts
in places inside me and outside of me
cold uncomfortable without you being
within my senses
I'll just cry a bit
and maybe a primal scream implode my heart
.........who are you
you must be from which I come
.........what are you
you must be that to which I proceed
.........why are you
you must be for why I am
Then as in primal forest wood smoke
held by every branch blade leaf and creature
.......... you saturate all my senses

in the dark intimate unknown light

Monday, February 16, 2015

From Fool To Lover

Today I am going on a journey

by foot
by car,
by ship,
by plane,
by soul,
I shall travel farthest by soul's light to the exclusion of all else
until I separate from myself and join with you
for now is the time for the impossible

sometimes I think I am too fond of myself to love you
sometimes I think because I am so fond of myself I want to love you
how else can I even justify the thought of loving the impossible
the impossible you

as it is impossible to please me
I choose the impossible to please me
I choose you
it is impossible to love one too fond of oneself
it is impossible for you to love me

having rejected everything - I have not other course
Thus I go
to make my breath with yours
whether it be my first......... or my last breath

Today I am going on a journey

Sunday, February 15, 2015


being here consciously working to put aside amazement in order to just enjoy the rain-bowed star spree space soft all senses in-taking gentle light from the single pulse point...........................  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Of St Valentine's

Happy spirit of St Valentine's to all whose paths be crossed as stranger, as friend, as neighbor, all ways lived..... whatever be the name of God worshiped in whatever the language
How far goes the best of us
if not to others
another person.
.other things that are sacred
other ingredients of soul human
.home warmth comfort security and joy....................and FUN
a wave, a smile, a leisurely movement in a sunny window, a laugh.........a pat on the back, a neighborly hug................

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Unanswered Fully Totally Conscious

unanswered fully totally longer air breathing ......more as entire immersion in treacly tea potion awakening from dream dreaming more deeply knowing not of which I am but searching for you.............
not finding you I search for God.........then at some oasis in time some part of you revealed in creation totally distracts me........................... morning with first shafts of light upon cathedral-ed soul held fragilely in aging sacristy but I can not argue with God for such light ensconced in chapel-ed youth never expecting waves of battle raging in Occupied Heart yet blooms a flower in defiance to the war warring realities of distance difference time upon this earth speeds of selves physical carriers of soul needing pleading intervention Divine and visiting expectancy hopes upon nothing secure only in desire's hope............................................
I have
no arms to hold you when I most need to hold you
I have
no eyes to see you when I most need to see you
I have
no lips to kiss you when I most need to kiss you
The twin sirens of chaos dance now with around to and fro of/with/about me along the many-sided-line that God draws in the sand.....there is the glow of your light yes I have not crossed it no I have not yet even neared too close as the light upon the slightest encroachment becomes a sun.........totally consuming as I dance/mull/wonder chaoses and all the rest of the worlds beckoning unknown
day or night my longing makes to know not
nor Reason or Season
To God you attract me
From God you distract me
To God you direct me
From God you direct me
never expected waves of battle raging in Occupied Heart yet blooms a flower in defiance to the war.......................................

.................. unanswered fully totally conscious

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

From Never to Never

When all of what I think of the stuff I am is gone, all beauty nudges dutifully the least of me to such ascension..................because of you..........
at a great distance heard you speak closer your song stirred me and my first look into your eyes not like stars but the actual stars forever lost at home receiving your gifts giving mine rolling peace and longing
possessing desires distance you tempt weak tired shouts give up cold grip on fragile heart makes stronger beating for you summon grace I supplicate to grace for such together being

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happening To Us

life is happening to us . . .
we are happening to life . .

you are happening to me . . .
I am happening to you . . .

we are happening to life . .
life is happening to us . . .

webbed puzzle pieces personal intimacies resonate vibrate clarity if only for a few seconds holding precious closely hugging tightly with instant eternal reach suddenly struggling storm arrives separating longing lingering memories igniting searching for you with so much of me happening in/of/to/with you more intensely than ever hell and heaven gripped in placid fury warring peace............... balanced teetering balancing tottering will have been balancing instability ~~~~~~~~~~~~

life is happening to us . .
we are happening to life . .

...... moments together rare and few....... times of intimacy so intense warmth of separation from you now keeps me being

nothing lives as briefly as the promise of love................nothing strives more eternally as one yearning for love