Thursday, March 22, 2018

Clutching Snow

...just as the leafless tree, though yearning to bud, still with uplifting limbs tenaciously holds winter's last line of snow along its I so clutching onto images of you fading into the whiteout of time......`~~                                                 ~            ~
Health peace love friendship forgiveness mercy kindness beauty joy enthusiasm child-like-glee harmony to/for all each as is "^-"^ blank now and always........... dziękuję, gracias, 谢谢, ringrazio hanno, है धन्यवाद, remercier avoir, thank you, أشكر ديك ... A wonderful world ...... un monde merveilleux .... एक अद्भुत दुनिया .......... un mundo maravilloso ....... עולם מופלא ..... Harika bir dünya ...... 一个 美好 的 世界.. له من عالم رائع .. Peace and Health ...... Paix et santé .... ..शांति और स्वास्थ्य .... Paz y salud ..... שלום ובריאות .... 和平 与 健康 ... السلام والصحة... "^ -" ^ CZat.

Monday, March 19, 2018

By Love Be Taken

...................i am taken by LOVE . … TO WHERE …---- , ........ . . . . I CAN NOT, NOT GO.... .. ..--
.. - ..WITH WHOM,
. - - I MUST NOT, NOT BE..........................
- - --
I have written the above 19 words as an imperative response to a friend dear of soul's recent photo. In the photo, she is holding her sleeping son who is exhausted by illnesses. The image gives pause experiencing a beneficent resonance time transcendent.... struggling Mother, sick child, in arms primordial human yearnings joy comfort zest healing mournful blithe expansive contained promise disappointment charity temptation triumph frustration - - ingredients for chaotic ruin held in beatific harmony by a Mother's Love...........Health peace love friendship forgiveness mercy kindness beauty joy enthusiasm child-like-glee harmony to/for all each as is "^-"^ blank now and always........... dziękuję, gracias, 谢谢, ringrazio hanno, है धन्यवाद, remercier avoir, thank you, أشكر ديك ... A wonderful world ...... un monde merveilleux .... एक अद्भुत दुनिया .......... un mundo maravilloso ....... עולם מופלא ..... Harika bir dünya ...... 一个 美好 的 世界.. له من عالم رائع .. Peace and Health ...... Paix et santé .... ..शांति और स्वास्थ्य .... Paz y salud ..... שלום ובריאות .... 和平 与 健康 ... السلام والصحة... "^ -" ^ CZat..

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Woman Who Are You

While studying/pondering “TIME” I was amused to discover (subconsciously) I had started fixing clocks. Perhaps my mind had reached out to something tangible while the brain's neurons vibrated as strings of quantum theory. My heart smiled when I realized a parallel event in my life – studying/pondering women. As an impossibly romantic heterosexual male my investigation/research of women included but was not limited to girlfriends, partners, fiancees, and wives – all of those proved to be the equivalent of precision clock maintenance [in the very best possible way, of course] – for true understanding of a woman remains in the ethereal, unknown places in the recondite universe............making quantum physics, time-travel, perpetual motion, and psychokinesis seem like basic arithmetic. I LOVE being an earthling! Health peace love friendship forgiveness mercy kindness beauty joy enthusiasm child-like-glee harmony to/for all each as is "^-"^ blank now and always........... dziękuję, gracias, 谢谢, ringrazio hanno, है धन्यवाद, remercier avoir, thank you, أشكر ديك ... A wonderful world ...... un monde merveilleux .... एक अद्भुत दुनिया .......... un mundo maravilloso ....... עולם מופלא ..... Harika bir dünya ...... 一个 美好 的 世界.. له من عالم رائع .. Peace and Health ...... Paix et santé .... ..शांति और स्वास्थ्य .... Paz y salud ..... שלום ובריאות .... 和平 与 健康 ... السلام والصحة... "^ -" ^ CZat..