moments muscle bone motion cold air .
feelings decisions...... . .. . …...
. .. .. .of becoming conscious mind . .
I choose gratitude
…....... . . . . . .
infinite red of grape …..
complex texture of bread...... --
- --
luxuriate in the overwhelming......sense filling . . . . . coffee
in the cup that is warming my hands..............
Health peace love friendship forgiveness mercy kindness beauty joy enthusiasm child-like-glee harmony to/for all each as is "^-"^ blank now and always........... dziękuję, gracias, 谢谢, ringrazio hanno, है धन्यवाद, remercier avoir, thank you, أشكر ديك ... A wonderful world ...... un monde merveilleux .... एक अद्भुत दुनिया .......... un mundo maravilloso ....... עולם מופלא ..... Harika bir dünya ...... 一个 美好 的 世界.. له من عالم رائع .. Peace and Health ...... Paix et santé .... ..शांति और स्वास्थ्य .... Paz y salud ..... שלום ובריאות .... 和平 与 健康 ... السلام والصحة... "^ -" ^ CZat...