Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Parallel Universe Sanity

It started out simply enough. I was “somewhat” retired and began having fun thinking about Quantum Physics: Space-Time, The Universe, The Multiverse, String theory, Light speed re-balance with Gravity, Spooky Attractions, knowing only the Probability of the location of an atom and not the exact location, Quantum Zeno Effect, Objects existing in two or more states, Vacuum Birefringence. So, with the mind-blowing exploration of Quantum Physics, the aesthetics of my poetry, and healthy activities riding my bicycle, I thought I had it made! HA HA ha ha Ha hA! - -I made some new friends who in just a few months worked inexorably into my heart and soul, changed the fabric of my existence, and among other great joys provided me with what could only be the Fountain of Youth! Yeah, that's when the Fountain of Youth worked its magic! Remembering back to when I was like – Super Cool at age 13, and then how stumbling, or having a pimple erupt brought me back to human Henry. HA! That was Nothing compared to now as I have to ACTUALLY GET this quantum physics stuff to REALLY WORK FOR ME! For starters, I need to be in at least 2 places at once, with several other people in the same space, but not really anywhere near the same space while simultaneously but separately at different times have some degree of existing with the tiniest amount of sanity. ... ................ and that's the news for today Earthlings. Since I had an ordinary 21st century camera, and not a photo time machine, I only have a fraction of the light that came into my soul today,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and yet it was/is as you can see (and for all others and all else, imagine) transcendent!!! I love being an earthling!!.......Health peace love friendship forgiveness mercy kindness beauty joy enthusiasm child-like-joy harmony to/for all each as is "^-"^ blank now and always........... dziękuję, gracias, 谢谢, ringrazio hanno, है धन्यवाद, remercier avoir, thank you, أشكر ديك ... A wonderful world ...... un monde merveilleux .... एक अद्भुत दुनिया .......... un mundo maravilloso ....... עולם מופלא ..... Harika bir dünya ...... 一个 美好 的 世界.. له من عالم رائع .. Peace and Health ...... Paix et santé .... ..शांति और स्वास्थ्य .... Paz y salud ..... שלום ובריאות .... 和平 与 健康 ... السلام والصحة... "^ -" ^ CZat... 

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