Saturday, August 3, 2019

Point Spoon

My earliest childhood memory was the point in time of being happy in the kitchen sink (maybe a few months old) and unhappy a second later when I was taken out of the sink. Then again, moments later I was happy when my Father came through the door between our apartment and his pharmacy showing me a red KARWOWSKI PHARMACY spoon and then unhappy a second late when I dropped it I couldn't read it at that age but remember the colors and spoon-shape I am posting a picture of a blue spoon of the kind I saw since I don't have any red ones, and this blue one is the one remaining pharmacy spoon in my possession.
My passion for the rest of my life was understanding the POINT – at what point do people become happy or unhappy? I was driven to study Mathematics to understand what is a “point” I studied calculus, physics and wondered almost every breath I took. Now I am compelled to read quantum physics with the rest of humanity also joyfully adventuring to understand the smallest particle, I join in LEARNING MORE AND MORE ABOUT LESS AND LESS.
While theory about what is a “point” or the “smallest particle” seems to go off to the also undefined infinity, I find definition/knowable-reality in the deep joy of friendship.
I combine my curiosity of what a point is with the every day living philosophy of how we can all be optimally healthy, at peace in ourselves. and be friends with everyone \\// Friends with whom we may enjoy physical presence and friends at a distance \\// loving all unconditionally //\\ and if not friends, at least to live civilly with each other. Recently I have discovered - with the help of very close friends, of course - an insight which I now share to help us live harmoniously.
This insight is to understand those “points” between us and in our own minds which identify when/where we decide to love or hate, care or not-care, and ultimately make peace or war. To dissect our conversations, interactions, so we may know – as close as possible that “point” we in our own minds make the decision to do something, be someone, effect life. That point at which each person finds themselves At Peace, in Love, Full of Joy, and interacting with the world healthily is here and now and in everyone of us. I find mine by looking, believing, praying, thinking, and most importantly choosing, doing, and being. I am so grateful!........Health peace love friendship forgiveness mercy kindness beauty joy enthusiasm child-like-joy harmony to/for all each as is "^-"^ blank now and always........... dziękuję, gracias, 谢谢, ringrazio hanno, है धन्यवाद, remercier avoir, thank you, أشكر ديك ... A wonderful world ...... un monde merveilleux .... एक अद्भुत दुनिया .......... un mundo maravilloso ....... עולם מופלא ..... Harika bir dünya ...... 一个 美好 的 世界.. له من عالم رائع .. Peace and Health ...... Paix et santé .... ..शांति और स्वास्थ्य .... Paz y salud ..... שלום ובריאות .... 和平 与 健康 ... السلام والصحة... "^ -" ^ CZat...

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