Saturday, August 30, 2014

Quiet Noise We Play

In times of riotous revelry.............
Midst ambiance of Solitude..
family perpetuating comfort
friends nurturing creativity
neighbors sharing both
earthlings nonjudgmental ...
I am grateful to move beyond my demanding low self esteem and steep perfectly in the Joy of Now
In times of riotous revelry.............
Midst ambiance of Solitude..
family perpetuating comfort
friends nurturing creativity
neighbors sharing both
earthlings nonjudgmental ...,,

A wonderful world........un monde merveilleux........एक अद्भुत दुनिया..........un mundo maravilloso..........עולם מופלא.....Harika bir dünya......一个美好的世界 .............Как прекрасен этот мир............له من عالم رائع.. Peace and Health...... Paix et santé......शांति और स्वास्थ्य ............Paz y salud ..........שלום ובריאות......和平与健康......... Мир и здоровье ..........السلام والصحة "^ -" ^ CZat

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Reaching Being

sometimes I am troubled, sometimes I am serene................
one moment unbounded, the next in between............
love never more alive in my primal plea....................................
then when existing in your reach for me.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Here It Is

Bicycle Earth Taptown, August 10, 2014.........In but a field of corn, I found all that I was looking for...................then with a breath, as I held you in my heart, I had more............ ~~~~~~~~~~~~A wonderful world........un monde merveilleux........एक अद्भुत दुनिया..........un mundo maravilloso..........עולם מופלא.....Harika bir dünya......一个美好的世界 .............Как прекрасен этот мир............له من عالم رائع.. Peace and Health...... Paix et santé......शांति और स्वास्थ्य ............Paz y salud ..........שלום ובריאות......和平与健康......... Мир и здоровье ..........السلام والصحة "^ -" ^ CZat