Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Presence Visit

Reading For November 7, 2012

Thanking you for visiting

the light reflecting in a tear bounces into my soul

the smile warms my heart

the ope eyes shelter me

your singing call of my name gives joy

as you grasp my arm to stop me from leaving, I be

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Be Not Sick, Rainbow

Reading For November 4, 2012                    

I received word that one I cherished was sick.  I was at once fearful as I too was sick and became tormented to think she suffered from the same disease as I

             being with her for
a few moments
....................and the yearning life meaning hunger went berserk within

...... to live in her world clashes excruciatingly with me being able to live in my world as she is energy of rainbows in mine

blessings so much else and so many others - existing another of time and times, and people, and man betrothed

and to be any more a part of it is             to approach the skyed hues
nearer than this, then her being disappears in my selfishness infinite

and only the beauty that dwells in all keeps me from perishing........................

I am of this love sickness - sweet madness
hers I pray, is of simple ailment in body

Fatal found buried in the ground                                                      
 round rainbow's beauty you are of  forever energy ...........          
  so sendeth I gifts love money affection etc as I reach/not reach to touch the rainbow

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

像我爱我的邻居 To Love Another As Self

Reading For September 19, 2012






मैं कॉफी पीते

मैं साइकिल या चलना

मुझे लगता है कि

मेरे कैथोलिक अंतरात्मा पूछता है, कि भगवान कैसे काम करता है?

मेरी प्रार्थना का जवाब: यह महत्वपूर्ण शांति पैदा करने के लिए खुद के लिए खुद के रूप में अपने पड़ोसी से प्रेम करने के लिए पर्याप्त से प्यार है.

I drink coffee

I bicycle or walk

I think

How, my Catholic conscience asks, does that serve God?

My prayers answer: it creates the vital peace to love myself enough to love my neighbor as myself.

Bebo café

Yo bicicleta oa pie

Creo que

¿Cómo, mi conciencia católica pide, es que servir a Dios?

Mi respuesta oraciones: se crea la paz vital para amar lo suficiente como para amar a mi prójimo como a mí mismo.

أنا أشرب القهوة

I الدراجات أو المشي


كيف، ضميري الكاثوليكية يسأل، هل أن خدمة الله؟

بلدي صلاة الجواب: أنه يخلق السلام حيوي لأحب نفسي بما فيه الكفاية لأحب جاري ونفسي.

আমি কফি পান

আমি সাইকেল বা হেঁটে

আমি মনে করি

কিভাবে, আমার ক্যাথলিক বিবেকের জিজ্ঞেস করে, যে ঈশ্বর আছে পরিবেশন?

আমার প্রার্থনা উত্তর: এটা আমার কাছেই নিজেকে হিসাবে আমার প্রতিবেশী প্রেম যথেষ্ট ভালবাসা অত্যাবশ্যক শান্তি সৃষ্টি.

Eu bebo café

Eu bicicleta ou a pé

Eu acho que

Como, minha consciência católica pede, isso servir a Deus?

Minha resposta orações: cria a paz vital para me amo o suficiente para amar o meu próximo como a mim mesmo.

Я пью кофе

Я велосипеде или ходьбы

Я думаю, что

Как, мой католическая совесть спрашивает, значит ли это служить Богу?

Мои молитвы ответ: он создает жизненно мир любить себя достаточно, чтобы любить ближнего, как самого себя.





Piję kawę

I rower lub spacer

Myślę, że

Jak mój katolicki sumienie pyta, czy to służyć Bogu?

Moja odpowiedź modlitwy: tworzy istotną spokoju kochać się wystarczająco by kochać bliźniego jak siebie samego.

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

There to Peace

Reading for August 28, 2012


.........greeting time of this morn, I encountered ^friend^form^Peace^ on path of forgiveness and its existence only wherein I forgave myself as well as others; others as well as myself blank joy blank

......... इस सुबह के ग्रीटिंग बार, मैं ^ दोस्त का सामना करना पड़ा है फार्म का ^ ^ शांति ^ माफी और अपने अस्तित्व केवल जिसमें मैं अपने आप को दूसरों के रूप में अच्छी तरह से माफ कर दिया के रास्ते पर है, के रूप में के रूप में अच्छी तरह से अपने आप को दूसरों रिक्त खुशी रिक्

  tiempo ......... saludo de esta mañana, me encontré con un amigo ^ ^ ^ forma ^ Paz en el camino del perdón y su existencia sólo que me perdonó, así como los demás; otros, así como yo misma alegría en blanco en blanco

....... تحية لهذا الوقت الضحى، واجهت ^ ^ صديق شكل ^ ^ السلام على طريق الغفران وجودها فيه إلا غفر نفسي I فضلا عن الآخرين، والبعض الآخر فضلا عن نفسي فارغة فارغة الفرح

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Of This Thing Time

 Reading For August 24, 2012

of this thing "time"..........with deep gratitude for all friends {[so dear]} ^^^^ please let me say: the next moment may you search in peace..................................................      这点事“”.........深表感谢所有的朋友{[亲爱的]}^ ^^ ^请让我说,下一刻可能你搜索的和平........................................                                                                                         这点事“”.........深表感谢所有的朋友{[亲爱的]}^ ^^ ^请让我说,下一刻可能你搜索的和平..........................................                                                                                       de esta cosa "tiempo" .......... con profunda gratitud a todos los amigos: {[tan cara]} ^ ^ ^ ^ por favor hágamelo saber: el próximo momento puede usted buscar en paz.................                                                                                                                  هذا الشيء "الوقت" .......... مع الامتنان العميق لجميع الأصدقاء {[عزيزي حتى]} ^ ^ ^ ^ واسمحوا لي أن أقول: لحظة المقبل قد بحث في السلام

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Thursday, August 16, 2012

我想看 seing us मैं अपने Estoy tratando

Reading For August 16, 2012


I am trying to see the dream in you through the struggle with myself seeing the dream in us .....

मैं अपने आप हमें सपना देख के साथ संघर्ष के माध्यम से आप में सपने देखने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ .....

Estoy tratando de ver el sueño en el que a través de la lucha conmigo mismo al ver el sueño en nosotros .....

Я пытаюсь увидеть сон, в вас через борьбу с самим собой видит сон, в нас .....

أحاول أن أرى الحلم في لكم من خلال الصراع مع نفسي رؤية الحلم فينا .....

আমি স্বয়ং আমাদের স্বপ্ন প্রেক্ষণ সঙ্গে সংগ্রামের মাধ্যমে আপনি স্বপ্ন দেখতে চেষ্টা করছি .....

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

和心的祈禱 To A Heart's Prayer और दिल की

Reading For July 24, 2012


..........and to a heart's prayer an answer became the words: ".......whatever makes you you...............................................................................................................................eternally"

.......... और दिल की प्रार्थना के लिए एक जवाब शब्द बन गया है: जो भी आप ".......

 .......... y un corazón a la oración de una respuesta se convirtió en las palabras: "....... lo que hace

.......... وصلاة القلب أصبح جوابا عبارة: ".... ما يجعلك

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Monday, July 23, 2012

重複頻率 Recurring Frequency

Reading For July 23, 2012


I am finding myself using three responses with greater frequency while that finding more peace and joy with others.
I like the way it is.
Whatever makes us us.
That's good for both of us, and lots of others.
love peace fun and blank \"^_^"/ \"^_^"/ ~ ^^^^^^ * \"^_^"/

मैं अपने आप को लग रहा है और अधिक से अधिक आवृत्ति के साथ तीन प्रतिक्रियाओं का उपयोग जबकि वह दूसरों के साथ अधिक शांति और खुशी खोजने.मैं जिस तरह से यह है की तरह.जो कुछ भी हमें हमें बनाता है.कि हम दोनों के लिए अच्छा है, और दूसरों के बहुत सारे.प्रेम, शांति मज़ा और रिक्त

e estoy encontrando con tres respuestas con mayor frecuencia, mientras que la búsqueda de más paz y alegría con los demás.
Me gusta la forma en que lo es.
Lo que nos hace ser nosotros.
Eso es bueno para los dos, y muchos otros.
el amor la paz y la diversión en blanco

Я нахожу себя, используя три ответа с большей частотой, в то время как поиск более мир и радость с другими.
Мне нравится, как она есть.
Какими бы ни делает нас нами.
Это хорошо для нас обоих, и многие другие.
Любовь весело мира и пустой

نا وجدت نفسي باستخدام ثلاثة ردود مع زيادة تواتر في حين أن العثور على مزيد من السلام والفرح مع الآخرين.أحب الطريقة هو عليه.كل ما يجعلنا نحن.هذا امر جيد لكلا منا، والكثير من الآخرين.

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Or Not

Reading For July 19, 2012

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all my friends and people yet to be friends, or friends who have requested me to leave them alone or not contact them{if you're one of these, ignore this felicitation of joy} whose birthdays ~~ I forgot to record, recorded but forgot anyway; are not on any internet reminder; have not been born yet...........this is for every day............

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

现在 Now To Do अब Ahora сейчас বর্তমানে الآن

Reading For July 10, 2012

如果没有相互的,现在............................................ ....

We must have an army to defend against they who hate and whose goal is to kill us
Those who hate us and whose goal is to kill us have an army to defend against us
We are Them..............
They are Us..............

They have taken my child
They have taken my home...........
We have taken their child
We have taken their homes..........

When may we love.........?
Whom may we love.......?

If not each other, now................................................

हम एक सेना है वे के खिलाफ की रक्षा कौन से नफरत है और जिसका लक्ष्य हमें मार रहा है
जो हमसे नफरत करते हैं और जिसका लक्ष्य हमें मार रहा है हमें खिलाफ की रक्षा के लिए सेना
हम उन्हें कर रहे हैं ..............वे हमारे हैं ..............वे मेरे बच्चे को ले लिया है
वे मेरे घर ले लिया है ...........हम अपने बच्चे को ले लिया है
हम अपने घरों में ले लिया है ..........हम जब ......... प्यार हो सकता है?हम किससे प्यार हो सकता है .......?अगर एक दूसरे नहीं, अब ............................................ ....

Debemos tener un ejército para defenderse contra los que odian y cuyo objetivo es matarnos
Los que nos odian y cuyo objetivo es matarnos a nosotros tener un ejército para defender en contra de nosotros
Nosotros somos ellos ..............
Ellos son nosotros ..............

Se han llevado a mi hijo
Se han llevado a mi casa ...........
Hemos tomado a su hijo
Hemos tomado sus hogares ..........

¿Cuándo nos encanta .........?
¿A quién amamos .......?

Si no entre sí, ahora ............................................ ....

У нас должна быть армия, чтобы защититься от них, кто ненавидит и чьей целью является, чтобы убить нас
Те, кто ненавидит нас, и чьей целью является, чтобы убить нас есть армия, чтобы защититься от нас
Мы Их ..............
Они нас ..............

Они взяли мой ребенок
Они взяли мой дом ...........
Мы взяли ребенка
Мы взяли свои дома ..........

Когда мы можем любить .........?
Кого мы можем любить .......?

Если не друг с другом, теперь ............................................ ....

أولئك الذين يكرهوننا، والتي تهدف إلى قتل منا لديه جيشا للدفاع عن ضدنا
ونحن لهم ..............هم بنا ..............من الخطوات التي اتخذتها لطفلي
من الخطوات التي اتخذتها بيتي ...........اتخذنا طفلهما
اتخذنا منازلهم ..........ربما عندما نحب .........؟
قد نحبه .......؟
إن لم يكن بعضها البعض، والآن ...........................................

আমরা তাদের বিরুদ্ধে যারা ​​ঘৃণা এবং যার মূল উদ্দেশ্য হল আমাদের হত্যা করার জন্য রক্ষার জন্য একটি সেনা থাকা আবশ্যক
যারা আমাদের ঘৃণা এবং যার মূল উদ্দেশ্য হল আমাদের হত্যা আমাদের বিরুদ্ধে রক্ষা করতে একটি সেনাবাহিনী আছে
আমরা তাদের ..............তারা আমাদের ..............তারা আমার সন্তানের গ্রহণ
তারা আমার বাসা গ্রহণ ...........আমরা তাদের সন্তান গ্রহণ
আমরা তাদের গ্রহণ ..........যখন আমরা ভালবাসার ......... হতে পারে?ভালবাসা কাকে আমরা ....... হতে পারে?যদি অন্যান্য প্রতিটি না, এখন ............................................ ....

Temos que ter um exército para se defender contra os que odeiam, e cujo objetivo é matar-nos
Aqueles que nos odeiam e cujo objetivo é matar-nos ter um exército para defender contra nós
Nós somos eles ..............
Eles são nós ..............

Eles levaram o meu filho
Eles tomaram minha casa ...........
Temos tido o seu filho
Temos tido suas casas ..........

Quando é que nós amamos .........?
Quem pode amamos .......?

Se não uns aos outros, agora ............................................ ....

Kita mesti mempunyai tentera untuk mempertahankan terhadap mereka yang membenci dan yang tujuannya adalah untuk membunuh kami
Orang-orang yang membenci kita dan yang tujuannya adalah untuk membunuh kami mempunyai tentera untuk mempertahankan terhadap kami
Kami Mereka ..............
Mereka adalah kami ..............

Mereka telah mengambil anak saya
Mereka telah mengambil rumah saya ...........
Kami telah mengambil anak-anak mereka
Kami telah mengambil rumah mereka ..........

Apabila kita suka .........?
Yang kita boleh mengasihi .......?

Jika tidak satu sama lain, kini ............................................ ....

Nous devons avoir une armée pour se défendre contre ceux qui haïssent et dont le but est de nous tuer
Ceux qui nous haïssent et dont le but est de nous tuer une armée pour se défendre contre nous
Nous leur ..............
Ils sont nous ..............

Ils ont pris mon enfant
Ils ont pris ma maison ...........
Nous avons pris leur enfant
Nous avons pris leurs maisons ..........

Quand pouvons-nous aimer? .........
Qui peut nous aimons .......?

Si ce n'est pas les uns des autres, maintenant ............................................ ....

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Point of Holy

Reading for June 27, 2012

When something it is too difficult to say..........
 even to yourself ~~~~~~~~~~
a friend will listen to//////////////\\\\\\\\ and forget

 they've ever heard  it.

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ode To Always Lovers

Reading For June 21, 2012

We will always be lovers

even though there have been others before and

others may yet to be

we will always be lovers

Different lengths of time we've existed
barely glanced upon, scarcely talked with............
We haven't seen each other in decades
and a greater part of all that is, is not a part of us
we will always be lovers................................................

Not touched we, for so great a time
our hands to each others skin.....................

fantasy out of touch with reality -
insane ridiculous impossible
we will always be lovers

Am I in love with you, or
am I in love with what I know/knew/imagine of you
it is, nonetheless of, because, and by.............
whatever image/memory/cause of you...............
we will always be lovers

To glow with excitement of your coming through my door
knowing it will never be so
To express out out loud my love
finally being able to give away my heart with no expectation it will ever beat again
we will always be lovers...........................

Whatever, then, may have ever been said, is being said, or may be said,
I say........
we will always be lovers

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Monday, June 11, 2012

Decoding Devotional Mirth

Reading For June 11, 2012

Blessed Bovine - Consecrated Cattle...................Holy Cow

Sacred Scat.......................Holy Shit

Profundity Is In The Perception..................Yet Undecoded 

 Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm Not Appendaging

Reading For May 16, 2012

First, a friend was kind enough to send me an internet social networking birthday calendar reminder request. I was delighted, but unwilling to add that application. Then some music posted on a second friend's site by an another application intrigued me. Again, not wanting an app, I looked up one of the groups elsewhere. I fell in love with one of their songs (also fell in love the Bass Player) and was inspired to create the neologism/homograph: "appendage" to mean: the chronological age of a person, at which they begin using a contemporary technological application. For example, one might say: I have not reach those appendages. or I'm not appendaging (there) Please feel free to use that 6/4 word statement or variation thereofs.

 Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Moves Being

Reading For May 15, 2012

In the deepest part of my soul,
I am must be.

In the deepest part of our soul,
We are being is a must.

 Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Flowers For The Revolution

Reading For May 13, 2012

ope outbloom courage
     making cracks in concrete vined now 

valediction to past sins as we re-evolve parent child parent as never yet known love

 Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thank You Of No words

Reading For May 6, 2012

when there are no more words
is bringing your good
to whomever I may next meet
that is .............................................

 Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Monday, April 16, 2012

How Is It

Reading For April 16, 2012

Couldn't be better, couldn't be worse................
When I decide, I'll add a new verse\|/ ~ /|\

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Armageddon Gone Wrong

Reading For April 10, 2012

......tsk tsk such a trickery
Armageddon gone wrong
full of empty hearts chicanery

choosing a happy song

your eyes do not shine like the stars....................
...they are the stars...........................

cherish your neighbor

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Monday, March 19, 2012


Reading For March 19, 2012

Two gentlemen were seeking the right path of veracity and good when their their dialogue drifted into a conversion rife with the noun/verb/adjective bull shit.
An inquiry ensued.
One person offered his view that the difference between truth and bull-shit is the direction from which it leaves the heart.
The other thinker said to the first: "I thought you were going to say ........... which end it comes out"
The philosophers were in concordance.

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Clatter Still Smile

Reading For March 15, 2012

Come go leave arrive enter advance exit begone
get away from it all
where fits of paranoia meet delusions of grandeur
nothing is everything
all is null and void on the eighth day
with miracles on the ninth
albeit there's no keeping track of time, so
why would we want to be anywhere else
me myself my shadow and I?

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beauty Abideth

Reading For March 11, 2012

.......with the beauty of your singing I let go of my breath.........
remains but fear
terrified to lose you
as if underwater and all of life
brought sweetly endpoint
wishing to die rather than breath without you
forced air rushes
in my gasp I hear you say........ .................I am still here..............

post note*
A wonderful the group of people has illuminated, for me, the view that the greatest beauty in another is purely the person them-self. This confluence of seeking paths also granted me to understand the limitless nature of the original nine lines by simply knowing the grace the underlined word(s) can assume with infinite combinations and permutations in the human in:
.......with the beauty of your yearning to know God
........with the beauty of your dedication to your vocation, or,
........with the beauty of you..........
.........with the beauty of how you care for our good earth

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thank You Friend

Second Reading for March 8, 2012

Dear Friend,

Were there such words to thank you,

they all............ would be yours

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Energy is Not Created or Destroyed Sometimes

Reading for March 8, 2012

Good light
humble pause
creates tenderness

Buona Luce, as you like~~~~~~~~

I do not mind..

..for if I did

I would not trust...................

If I did not trust........................................


..........I could not love.

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Overheard And Underthought

Reading For March 6, 2012

How much is it?
What does it cost?
Will it warm my heart?
Or calm this soul so tossed?

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Soul Mates

Reading For February 24, 2012

I met a wonderful couple who described themselves as soul mates from the age of fifteen.  Now in their thirties, the soprano and the bass player so radiate joy, that dimensions are crossed...........what is heard can be seen; and what is seen can be heard.............
These two, giving so much to our world, inspired these few lines, I humble proffer:

Magic... magic spells........hopecantations,
that which defies all explanations.

what then shall we give a name
two teens hearts never the same

world blossoms wonder
souls one no more asunder

their glow sparkles notes so keen
of them music becomes seen. 

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Monday, February 6, 2012

Blue Skies

 Reading for February 6, 2012

........ blue skies always for heart's eye....................... ...........  teared or dry
......... whether...................... afar or nigh
sunned friendship.......... warm soul's lanai

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Friday, January 20, 2012


Reading for January 20, 2011

Love........ love....... at least......... at least
be its name be its flame be its host
know the angel know the beast
love....... it is love wanted most

............must leave self to arrive
I must take the journey
shudder lone last motion
fearful the first heartbeat
from beginning to end
which brings me to you.

      Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

To Do.......

Reading For January 11, 2012

Create art of truths


a more peaceful


healthier world

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Thursday, January 5, 2012

On The Future

2nd Reading For January 5, 2012

I believe the sum total of human knowledge has exceeded the capacity for any one human to access, yet alone comprehend.
I take the step to believe that it is the energy of this intellectual acumen of humanity that is the creative force of our collective future, and I have faith it is good..................
.....................inherent is my acknowledgment of  thoughts and actions that are contrary to this belief.....

love peace joy and blank,
Henry Jude

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

On Freedom

Reading For January 5, 2012

Deliberate decisions to allow thoughts and actions that are contrary to one's fundamental beliefs sustain the soul of freedom.

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Some Call Indianapolis Naptown

Reading For The Start Of This Year, 2012, By Water In Another Form.

Best from Naptown where beauty boils up in snow so blown it is traveling parallel to the ground
when not whirled into coils like the whipped cream on top of my hot chocolate.

It is a delightful snow day as I write to dear friends, while flashes of red from scurrying cardinals' wings splash upon frosty white.

Love peace joy health and blank.

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain