Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beauty Abideth

Reading For March 11, 2012

.......with the beauty of your singing I let go of my breath.........
remains but fear
terrified to lose you
as if underwater and all of life
brought sweetly endpoint
wishing to die rather than breath without you
forced air rushes
in my gasp I hear you say........ .................I am still here..............

post note*
A wonderful the group of people has illuminated, for me, the view that the greatest beauty in another is purely the person them-self. This confluence of seeking paths also granted me to understand the limitless nature of the original nine lines by simply knowing the grace the underlined word(s) can assume with infinite combinations and permutations in the human in:
.......with the beauty of your yearning to know God
........with the beauty of your dedication to your vocation, or,
........with the beauty of you..........
.........with the beauty of how you care for our good earth

Join Captain Flip Side every Sunday **~~** and/or randomly **~~**  in his true life Adventures

Happy Daze,
the Captain

1 comment:

  1. so grateful to have met and connected with you. thank you for the letter and the apple....both were delicious. many blessings to you. "i want everyone in all the world to be happy. shanti shanti shanti." namaste, lisa d
