Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Woods Wondering Wonder

I wrote this tomorrow about today which will have been inspired by yesterday's yearning for continuing beauty always.

I was walking a far and woodsy path
when out jumped a cat with a question on math

insights inquiries and inquisitions resounded
queries on acids, amyloids, alkaloids, & Sigmund Freud
Wisdom for perfection of all humanity abounded
we danced and danced until the cat fell into a void.

Avoid? Approach? ahhh the old avoidance approach conflict!
reptilian brain hunger ran rampant for Lamb Eggs Benedict.

And that the story how I came to brunch with dear dear friends, for I left the far and woodsy path, and went to their house to eat with them and their dog and four cats. A very very HAPPY ending to begin continuing, with love..........................
.....dziękuję, gracias, 谢谢, ringrazio hanno, है धन्यवाद, remercier avoir, благодарю есть, thank you, أشكر ديك... A wonderful world........un monde merveilleux........एक अद्भुत दुनिया..........un mundo maravilloso..........עולם מופלא.....Harika bir dünya......一个美好的世界 .............Как прекрасен этот мир............له من عالم رائع.. Peace and Health...... Paix et santé......शांति और स्वास्थ्य ............Paz y salud ..........שלום ובריאות......和平与健康......... Мир и здоровье ..........السلام والصحة "^ -" ^ CZat

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