Monday, January 18, 2016

Martin Luther King Day 2016

You - are the most precious person on earth to me. Today, on Martin Luther King Day, I have soul stirring recollections of him and his beneficent influences on our world. Joan Baez, who sang at Dr King's march that day, also sang at the FILMORE EAST in Lower Manhattan, the evening before I flew out to serve in Peace Corps Ethiopia - Friday, August 2, 1968. I have deep connections with the village as my grandfather came through that once Polish immigrant section of New York in 1890, and my eldest brother, Bob, lived, worked as a writer, and died there. Bob took me to the Filmore to hear Joan - it was only a couple miles from his apartment on the north border of the Bowery. The Filmore, packed with idealists, artists, hippies and those filled with passion for freedom was enshrouded in clouds of the "incense of the Era" dense marijuana smoke. Luck graced our souls with the last 2 spots of free space floor far from the corridors and aisles that led to spots where a person could actually see Joan Baez. Being out of view, did nothing to stop her voice from permanently blessing my soul. So it is with this sacred energy that I share my nostalgia with you from the late 60's and Joan's 1963 Martin Luther King's March singing ................

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