Sunday, January 3, 2010

WONDERJOY for 2010 and beyond

Reading for January 3, 2010

Happy New Year ~~*~~ 2010

wishing you all WonderJoy …....... the amazing harmony of beneficence amidst wacky frolicking friendships and life's endless adventures.................
Without WonderJoy, I would have never been able to be the Captain, yet alone find the Flipside.

Looking through the photo albums of my mind, the following images represent, best, the loci of elements that bore WonderJoy ............................

…........... 1950s of the great city on lake Michigan, that north twenty-seven hundred block of Lawndale avenue, where it intersects the west thirty-six hundred block of Diversey avenue....

.............Barbara disappears; part of Darlene's hand disappears.....
calm personality of high school girl disappears...............

Roberta's freshly washed hair glistens in the sunlight..........

my brother, Jerry, runs into our two-story brick building and fractures his skull..........the kids across the street team up against me and a couple buddies, as idiotic as I, to throw rocks at each other........some older guy in the apartment opposite ours on the side street refuses to come down to where the largest human being I have ever seen is waving a large piece of metal, and shouting about damage to his car.............Freddy gets a cool new car sporting taillights in huge fins...........

wax blobs darken and become a permanent part of the sidewalk as we kids spit out the resinous matter that held sugar water posing as parents make the decision that I am old enough for an expensive wristwatch which is given to me for Christmas, and which I don proudly, flash to the gang engaged in an all out street snowball fight, and lose it, as it flies off my wrist into white oblivion......

my brother Bob buys his first diamond needle for the prized Webcor phonograph.

Breathing deeply and cherishing friends, course is set, sails are up, and visibility is unlimited.

Join Captain Flip Side in his true life adventures every Sunday!

Happy daze,

The Captain

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