Sunday, January 10, 2010


Reading for January 10, 2010

.....sounds blended in perfect silence aware timeless existence with change, more of a flow, perhaps – but, alas, it's soul can no sooner be put to the vernaculars of earth, than my own human soul can.

It may have started with altars of tin foil and artisan clothes-hangars fashioned for Mary Mother of God, in May – the month She is most venerated. I couldn't read a calendar - but didn't have to – for when the two neighborhood lilac bushes bloomed, I knew it was May. My childhood home was encastled in brick and concrete accessed by moats of asphalt, so when I saw that first lilac flower in a hallowed space down the alley, it transformed me, and became the crowning touch for offerings to Mary.

It was nothing short of a miracle when the one carrot [from a packet of 30 or 40 seeds] grew in the few square feet of soil in my backyard before it was cemented over – so I think it added to my sense of God in nature.

A narrow view of life shrouded with reverent recitations of ideas of Muhammad , Buddha, Abraham, Jesus, and Brahman - from others seeking God/the Divine - broadened with a junket profound beyond the jungle.

Number of days lost in the blur of fasting came to a moonless black. Sounds blended in perfect silence - aware......... night became day …............ change was occurring yet time ceased to a single ray of sunlight made a leaf visible,  illuminating an entire prime forest cathedral – both - in succession, and at the same moment.

Little did I know that in traveling from the mundane to beyond infinity, a return trip would be de rigueur in my life.
In other words, no matter how much I have it together one minute, the next moment I can really mess up – really mess up big time..................and while wanting to think myself the poet, rather than the fool...................most of the time I simply have no friggin' idea.

Nonetheless, the yearning keeps me reaching.

Join Captain Flip Side in his true life adventures every Sunday!

Happy daze,

The Captain

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for Sunday Offlection I enjoyed your writing.
